Memorial Day began as Decoration Day, as communities and families decorated the graves of fallen soldiers. The tradition continues today with flags and flowers adorning the graves of those wearing the American flag in their final moments.
Military Appreciation Month falls in May each year.
All month long, men and women who have served throughout American history and all who now serve, and their families, as well as those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, are remembered, recognized and appreciated.
Some of the national highlights during the month of May include Armed Forces Day, which is celebrated on the third Saturday in May. It falls near the end of Armed Forces Week, which begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the third Sunday of May.
Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. It's a day for remembering and honoring people who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, by placing seasonal flowers on their graves.
But wherever Americans are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day, the National Moment of Remembrance asks people to pause for a minute in an act of national unity and honor those who died in service to the United States.