CTO Flatiron Strategies
According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics paper, “STEM 101: Intro to Tomorrow’s Jobs,” science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)-based occupations were projected to grow by more than 9 million jobs between 2012 and 2022.
Fast-growth occupations include computer systems analysts, applications software developers, and systems software developers.
Jem Pagán, shown here speaking at the first Internet of Things (IOT) Solutions World Congress, is the director of technology strategy for JNK Securities, a research and trading firm for institutional investment organizations in New York City.
JNK research on trends in digital transformation shows that mobility, cyber security, data-driven processes and decisions, the Internet of Things, and autonomous driving are changing the STEM fields.
Many science, technology, and engineering fields involve change, but how are careers going to change? Which careers are going to be hot by the time the next generation of STEM graduates hit the streets?
“Those questions drove the list of my 10 top careers in the next decade,” Pagán said. “I think my research demonstrates a lot of adoption is taking place right now and for the next seven years,” he said.
“Almost every activity we take online is digitized and tracked,” said Jake Porway, former New York Times data scientist and now CEO of DataKind, at a recent SAS Global Forum keynote.
“Almost every interaction we now have with our world or between each other takes place with a digital interface in between, something that creates data…data that allows us to see things we’ve never seen before,” Porway pointed out.
Once mobile devices gave us access to location, businesses had a better story on geolocation, demographics, and the in-car experience, Pagán said.
Using data to market products to different demographics has opened up new opportunities for professionals and new STEM graduates to think outside the box.
“There’s a skill sets gap and a shortage of qualified professionals because they’re no longer confined to specialized areas,” Pagán added.
“The digital transformation has become an opportunity for qualified and available STEM professionals to take advantage of,” he noted.
Top Careers in the Next Decade
Data Scientist Computer Scientist Mathematician Business Process Analyst Wireless Communication Semiconductor/Sensor Developer Gaming Augmented Reality Robotics Nanotechnology
How can you prepare for those hot jobs of the future?
STEM is key. All workers use their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, or math to try to understand how the world works and to solve problems.
Based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ description of science, technology, engineering, and math, STEM fields are closely related and build on each other.
For example, math provides the foundation for physics—and physics, in turn, for engineering. Engineers can apply their knowledge of physics to make devices that are useful for testing theories. Advances in physics may then lead to advances in engineering and technology.
Experts say every organization has a data scientist. According to some, data science is a continuation of old data analysis fields such as statistics, data mining, and predictive analytics.
In the last decade, the job of extracting knowledge from data has focused on information, statistics, business analysis, data development and data engineering, and computer science.
Computer scientists find new ways to use technology. They study and solve complex problems in computing for medicine, science, and business.
Business analysts may be involved in everything from creating the enterprise architecture to defining the requirements for programs and projects or supporting improvement in technology and processes.
The International Institute for Business Analysis (IIBA) says job titles for business analysis practitioners include business analyst, business systems analyst, systems analyst, requirements engineer, process analyst, product manager, product owner, enterprise analyst, business architect, management consultant, business intelligence analyst, data scientist, and more.
According to the IIBA, other jobs, such as management, project management, product management, software development, quality assurance, and interaction design, rely heavily on business analysis skills for success.
Robotics is part mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science. It deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of automated machines or robots as well as computer systems.
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