Career Communications Group (CCG) has announced that the first-ever BEYA Metaquake Symposium will take place in February 2023 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.
The BEYA Pre-College program will anchor the symposium, giving young people an opportunity to learn about the metaverse and the tools used to create metaverses. In addition to the traditional programming, students will engage in a scholastic metaverse building competition, which will culminate in a metaverse hackathon.
The BEYA Pre-College Program has been an integral part of the Black Engineer of the Year Awards (BEYA) Conference. The program has partnered with the Maryland Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) program, school districts, and the Patriots Technology Training Center to present programs for middle and high school students at the annual science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) conference.
Are you prepared for the Metaverse? Join us for a multicultural symposium that addresses culture and the metaverse. Reserve a space by January 12, 2023.
Early adopters are blazing a trail by stitching together foundational technologies to create products and experiences that are propelling metaverses much like Career Communications Group’s STEM City and the BEYA STEM digital twin experience (DTX) platforms.
The symposium is for anyone who is curious about the metaverse. It’s for educators, students, small businesses, and nonprofits that are engaging teams to develop and implement metaverse strategies. It’s for anyone who grapples with the jargon of the metaverse and wishes to gain knowledge that they can build on.
The BEYA Metaquake Symposium will provide a deeper understanding of the technologies that are the foundation of the metaverse, which include gaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), cryptocurrency, blockchain, NFTs, Web 3.0, education, and beyond.
Scheduled a week before the 2023 BEYA STEM Conference, the BEYA Metaquake Symposium creates a forum to explore technologies that are being harnessed by pioneers.
CCG is also re-engaging with past BEYA recipients to induct a new class into the Alumni Hall of Fame. The 2023 honorees represent a wealth of resources for the next generation to benchmark their journey to becoming everything they can be.
Metaquake USA, the book published by STEM City USA, answers the question most people ask: what is the metaverse? The book also features BEYA honorees like Mark Dean, part of the team that built the first IBM personal computer, and Joseph Saulter, founder of Entertainment Arts Research Inc. and a leader in the video game industry.