Lai Lau is a problem solver who looks for groundbreaking ways to find solutions to problems. In addition to her successful professional life, Lau founded the Washington chapter of the Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement.
As president, Lau worked hard to attract members to the organization. Membership grew to 250 within two years of the chapter's founding. She also organized educational activities, such as an AT&T Mobile Hack-a-Thon for high school students and employee health fairs for AT&T employees.
In 2013, Lau received President Obama's Gold Service Award for her community service and volunteerism.
Lau has a wide range of responsibilities in her position as the lead product manager for M2M Cloud Services. M2M is an opportunity for AT&T to expand its mobile and cloud business lines. She must understand the workings of strategic planning, technical product design, and product management.
Lau must also have marketing program development skills to launch end-to-end mobility products and cloud-service platforms. AT&T benefits greatly from Lau's contributions. She is poised to help the company elevate their M2M Cloud Services to a new level.
She handles several innovative projects at AT&T Foundry that will propel AT&T's mobile and cloud services well past its competitors. Lau also contributes a great deal to hardware strategy for M2M. To excel at her job, she must wear many hats and do an excellent job all around.