High-Tech Sunday Episode 25 Jerome Stephens
On February 28, please join us for a conversation on High-Tech Sunday with Rev. Jerome Stephens, community outreach director for U. S. Senator Benjamin Cardin, a leader on healthcare, the environment, and fiscal issues. Rev. Stephen is a civil rights activist and community leader. He assisted with the book, The Black Mega-Church, by Dr. Tamelyn Tucker-Worgs.
High-Tech Sunday's weekly program is produced by Career Communications Group for thought leaders, students, and professionals in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) community, to bring a concentrated discussion around technological advancements and achievements based on universal moral principles.
Rev. Stephens is an associate minister at the New Shiloh Baptist Church of Baltimore with Rev. Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. He is active with the United Baptist Missionary Convention of Maryland.
As president of the New Shiloh Village Broad, over 10 million dollars in funds were obtained to build an 81-unit senior building. As liaison for Baltimore City for the National Baptist Convention, the convention provided over 50 million dollars in revenues for Baltimore City and the State of Maryland. Rev. Stephens also assisted with the National Urban League Conference and NAACP Convention when they were held in Baltimore City. He has volunteered with the Progressive National Baptist Convention and the National Baptist Convention on public policy and media issues.
Born in Plain Dealing, Louisiana, Stephens attended Carrie Martin High School named after his aunt, a pioneer in education. At Southern University, he earned a bachelor's degree in political science. He is also a graduate of The Determined Biblical & Theological Institute of Baltimore, Maryland, and holds memberships in the Associated Black Charities Leadership Program, New Shiloh Baptist Church, NAACP, Phi Beta Sigma, Minister’s Conference of Baltimore & Vicinity, Southern University Alumni Federation, The IMA, Visit Baltimore, and The William E. Proudford Sickle Cell Fund.
Rev. Stephens is a recipient of many awards including the Fulwood Foundation award for community service, a Community Award from the NAACP of Baltimore City, and the Interfaith Leadership Award from Central Maryland Ecumenical Council, Distinguish Clergy Award.
Rev. Stephens has been married for over thirty-five years to Paula, a retired administrator from the State of Maryland and a Morgan State University graduate. Their two daughters are fourth-generation graduates of Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Candice, a graduate of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and Brittany, a graduate of Lincoln University, Central State University, and a leadership certificate in education from Harvard University. They have one grandson, Master Ashton Isaiah.
Listen to the podcast here: