Pamela McCauley, the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D. in industrial engineering in Oklahoma, was one of the first students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields to win a Black Engineer of the Year Award (BEYA) for Student Leadership.
At the 2023 BEYA Conference, the award will go to Erron Williams, a chemical engineering student at Prairie View A&M University, who has served in more than five voluntary positions with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).
The Black Engineer of the Year Student Leadership Award is given to undergraduate and graduate students who are outstanding contributors on university campuses and in local communities.
In 2016, Malachi Nichols, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Arkansas, won the award for serving as a robotics teacher, and a director’s assistant to an AmeriCorps Service Member during his undergraduate degree.
Marvin Carr won the 2015 BEYA for Student Leadership for work that went on to become the topic for his doctoral research in electrical and electronics engineering at Morgan State University.
Carr coordinated a program with Baltimore’s Department of Park and Recreation that offered robotics, math, and maker education opportunities for young people aged 4 to 18. He also founded the Innovative Institute of Robotics Innovation and Systems Engineering.
More recently, Amanda Nash, then a biomedical engineering senior at the Cullen College of Engineering at the University of Houston, received a Student Leadership Award at the BEYA STEM Conference for excellence in undergraduate biomedical research.
Other Student Leadership Award winners at the 2018 BEYA Student Leadership gala included Latarence Butts and Daziyah Sullivan, two Florida A&M University – Florida State University (FAMU-FSU) College of Engineering students, who are working to diversify and educate the environmental movement.
Naomi Mburu, a 2018 chemical engineering graduate, is the first student in UMBC history to receive the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship. As a Rhodes Scholar, Mburu is attending Oxford University in England to pursue her Ph.D. in engineering.
Student Leadership Award Winners at BEYA
Meshika Brown Mechanical Engineering and Math Student Prairie View A&M University
Samuel Sentongo Cadet U.S. Air Force Academy
Andre Evans Midshipman First Class U.S. Naval Academy
Je’aime Powell NOVA Southeastern University Ph.D. Computer Information Systems
Candace P. Cooley Department of Defense Missile Defense Agency
Midshipman Jordan Onque Blake Ocean Engineering U.S. Naval Academy
Ryan Clark The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Arielle Drummond Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
Julius Gunn University of Tennessee Rolls-Royce
Marquita Adams College Co-op Student General Motors Powertrain
Shannon Chambers Undergraduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering Florida A&M University
Terri R. Norton Ph.D. Student, College of Engineering Florida A&M University
Chad D. Sterling Computer Science Major/Intern University of California Davis/Hewlett-Packard Company
Emmanuel A. Cephas Student Frostburg State University
Justin M. Bond College Student Intern Powertrain Division, General Motors/Michigan State University
2002 Roberto W. Young University of Memphis The Boeing Company
2001 Clifton Sean Martin Electrical Engineering Student Morgan State University