Don't forget that peer-reviewed nominations for the 2023 BEYA STEM Conference are due on August 31, 2022! To submit your nomination, navigate to www.CCGHeroes.com.
Write the cover letter: The first document in the package is a one- or two-page letter by the nominator, clearly stating why the candidate is being nominated. Please be aware that the higher the level of the nominator, the greater the impact. The letter should spell out why the candidate should be recognized in the selected award category.
Assign and gather letters of recommendation: Although the selection panel will not penalize candidates without letters of recommendation, letters from a well-placed person can mean a lot. Letters from others outside the organization, who know about outside activities, or about the value of the person’s contributions in the field, are also helpful!
Update the nominee’s photo: It often takes some time to schedule your nominee for an updated photo, so it’s best to start sooner rather than later. Photos for a nomination package should be a professional full or quarter-body shot. These are preferred over headshots. Remember to avoid bright backgrounds (hot pink, florescent green) and cluttered desks or background areas.