The perception of power is a cultural phenomenon. Different cultures accept the dynamic of power in very different ways. Some accept unequally distributed power as a natural part of the professional world, where other cultures engage and view that power is equal among contributors. This cultural concept is known as power distance. When in a high power distance culture the relationship between bosses and subordinates is one of dependence. When in a low power distance society the relationship between bosses and subordinates is one of interdependence. Knowledge of how you and your team perceive power and accept structure will impact the ease of communication and affect leadership style choices. Culture is a powerful dynamic that helps us understand and be more specific about relationship conflicts and triumphs. Learning Objectives: Increase professional development, awareness, and communication strategies. Outcomes-At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to: a. Leaders share Cultural challenges and triumphs b. Identify core issues and strategies to manage communication diversity c. Explore potential impact of language on confidence and perceived value d. Examine leadership styles and principles to accommodate power distance cultural factors e. Explore workplace communication and effectiveness.