Highlights in the spring issue of US Black Engineer magazine includes the state of engineering at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). On the cover is a portrait of HBCU engineering deans at the 2020 BEYA STEM Conference.
Inside, meet the 15 deans at ABET-accredited Historically Black College and University Engineering Schools and find out more about the programs that produce more than 33 percent of America’s black engineers.
Also inside the 2020 Dean’s edition of Black Engineer magazine:
- 2020 Top Supporters of HBCU Engineering - Full List Revealed
- How HBCU Engineering Deans are shaping more than a third of America's Black engineers
- Original BEYA winner is a top imagineer at Disney!
- 15 ABET-accredited HBCU engineering school profiles
- BEYA's Hall of Innovation showcases HBCU Research