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Executive Management
Tyrone Taborn publisher@ccgmag.com Chief Content Officer and CEO
Jean Hamilton President and CFO
Eric Price Vice President Recruitment and Training eprice@ccgmag.com
Sponsorships and Corporate Participation
Alex Venetta avenetta@ccgmag.com Associate Publisher Client Relations
Reginald Stewart Sr. Business Development Manager Direct (410) 754-4192 | rstewart@ccgmag.com
Gwen Bethea Vice President, Corporate Development gbethea@ccgmag.com
Jobmatch and College Recruitment
Ashley Turner Recruitment Specialist aturner@ccgmag.com
Rod Carter Recruitment Specialist rcarter@ccgmag.com
Courtney Taborn Career Development ctaborn@ccgmag.com
Conferences and Events
Ana Bertrand Conference Coordinator, Pre-Programs abertrand@ccgmag.com
Content Development
Ray Kennedy Managing Editor rkennedy@ccgmag.com
Bryan Davis Director, Digital Media bdavis@ccgmag.com
Lango Deen Technology Editor ldeen@ccgmag.com
Sherley Petit-Homme Art Director
Career Communications Group, Inc. 729 East Pratt Street Baltimore, MD 21202 410-244-7101
Detroit Metropolitan Office | Career Communications Group, Inc. 200 Renaissance Center Ste 2650 Detroit MI 48243