Global Leadership Forum (GLF), a coalition of organizations whose collective missions will increase the number of technologists in the pipeline, announces their list of GLF Superstars in the upcoming issue of US Black Engineer and Information Technology magazine.
The 2018 list includes entrepreneurs, C-level executives and innovators, chosen by representatives from GLF partner organizations: Information Technology Senior Management Forum, the Black Data Processing Associates, NPower, NAF, Black Women in Science and Engineering (BWise), Career Communications Group's Foundation for Educational Development, and World Wide Technology, Inc.
The 2018 GLF Superstars were selected because of their passion for closing the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) achievement gap, and their commitment to exemplify the values of GLF by promoting access to programs that produce diverse talent and foster entrepreneurialism, improve graduation rates in STEM, and enhance leadership skills and technology industry competencies.
84% of working professionals currently in science and engineering jobs in the U.S.A. are white or Asian males. Leveraging the nation's talent pool will not only close this gap, it will also lead to an increase in innovation.
"You can't be what you don't see," said Kendall Norris, the chief executive officer for the Global Leadership Forum. "For elementary students, providing imagery to pique their interest in STEM is key. I've found as I talk to educators, community activists, the story resonates very well. We expect to create leaders who in turn create more leaders and are able to transform the communities from which they come."
Through the member organizations, GLF offers many programs such as Vision 2020, the IT Institute, Student IT Education & Scholarships, Internships and Career Placement, which all aim to increase the number of diverse college graduates and professionals who are prepared to meet the growing demand for STEM disciplines. Meeting this need will ensure that our nation has the highest proportion of workforce-ready resources by 2020.
The full list of GLF Superstars can be found below.
Hugh Campbell Founder AC4S
Shayna Atkins Product Manager, Agile Coach AtkCo, Inc.
Tim Atwell ATM Technology Executive Bank of America
Erika Jefferson President and Founder Black Women in Science and Engineering (BWISE)
Denise Russell Fleming Vice President of Information Technology The Boeing Company
Norma B. Clayton Retired Boeing Executive The Boeing Company
Ted Colbert Chief Information Officer and Senior Vice President of Information Technology & Data Analytics The Boeing Company
Brittney N. Smith Senior Consultant Booz Allen Hamilton
Eric Price VP, Recruitment and Training Career Communications Group, Inc.
Tyrone "Doc T" Taborn Chief Content Officer and CEO Career Communications Group, Inc.
Jeff Stovall Chief Information Officer City of Charlotte
JD Hoye President National Academy Foundation (NAF)
Michael Palmer Vice President – Chief Information Security Officer National Football League
Bertina Ceccarelli Chief Executive Officer nPower
Robert Vaughn Executive Director NPower
Earl Newsome Vice President and Chief Information Officer Praxair, Inc.
Fern Johnson Sr. Director/Chief Information Officer, Global Procurement and Logistics PepsiCo, Inc.
Namita Tirath Vice President of Sales and Marketing Pyramid Consulting, Inc.
Christopher Gray Founder Scholly
Martin Davis Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice President Southern Company Services, Inc
Greg Morrison Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Cox Entertainment
Jerome Oglesby Deputy Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer Deloitte LLP
Larry Quinlan Global Chief Information Officer Deloitte LLP
Terry Morris National BDPA President & Director IT Eli Lilly
Fumbi Chima Chief Information Officer Fox Network Group
Indea Snorden Business Transformation Leader, Program and Product Manager, Change Management Consultant The GCM Group
Gwendolyn Boyd Engineer, STEM Advocate Higher Education and Civic Leader, Public Speaker
Viola Maxwell-Thompson President and CEO Information Technology Senior Management Forum (ITSMF)
Latoya Fox Founder, Chief Design Formulator La Fox Skin Solutions Inc.
Michelle Greene Vice President of Information Systems Masco Corporation
Michael Sullivan Vice President of Technology, Gas Technology Solutions Southern Company
Valerie Patton Senior Vice President – Inclusion and Talent Attraction Executive Director St. Louis Business Diversity Initiative
Vanessa A. Harris Owner Vanessa A. Harris PE Consulting
David Segura Founder and Chief Executive Officer VisionIT
Juanita Logan Director, Corporate Development World Wide Technology
About US Black Engineer & Information Technology Magazine
US Black Engineer & Information Technology magazine, a Career Communications Group, Inc. publication, offers a blueprint for continued growth and success in STEM fields by highlighting progress and people at all stages of the STEM pipeline—from the college student taking his first engineering courses to the senior executive managing the projects that will change the ways we live. For more information about US Black Engineer Magazine, visit www.blackengineer.com
About Global Leadership Forum (GLF)
The Global Leadership Forum (GLF) formally launched in early 2015, but its partners have been in existence for an average of 30 years. GLF was designed by collaborative efforts of partners in the Information Technology Senior Management Forum, the Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA), Career Communications Group's Foundation for Educational Development, and World Wide Technology, Inc. GLF serves as a collective voice and unifying force amongst the participating organizations. For more information about GLF, visit https://www.glfnow.org/.