Alabama A&M University (AAMU) announced that the Minority University Research and Education (MUREP) project at NASA has selected the historically Black college and university's proposed project to collaborate with NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.
MUREP is administered through NASA's Office of STEM Engagement and provides financial assistance via competitive awards to minority-serving institutions (MSIs), including historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), which recruit and retain underserved students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
According to AAMU, the Precollege Summer Institute for Recruiting and Inclusion for STEM for MSIs (or PRISM) is a residential program that offers students learning activities designed to improve college readiness skills and expose them to STEM careers through learning experiences in NASA Marshall laboratories.
AAMU is one of 10 HBCUs to share over $640,000 from NASA to provide pre-college summer programs for 11th and 12th-grade students. Other recipients of the NASA awards include Prairie View A&M University, Tuskegee University, the University of Baltimore, and the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore.