Career Communications Group is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and neutrality in its representation of military professionals.
Recent trends have shown a rising politicization within military ranks and a notable frequency of demotions among military leaders. These developments necessitate a thoughtful reassessment of how we present the careers of retired military officials.
Effective immediately, Career Communications Group will adopt a new policy in listing the professional designations of retired military personnel.
Instead of denoting a retired official with "RET" (Retired) followed by the rank and position held at retirement, we will now use "LPS" (Last Position Served).
This change reflects the last official position these individuals held prior to their retirement, regardless of any subsequent promotions or demotions post-active duty.
This policy shift is designed to more accurately reflect the careers of these distinguished individuals without the implication of endorsement or criticism of their final active-duty status or the circumstances surrounding their retirement.
Our goal remains to provide clear, factual information that respects the dedicated service of all military personnel while remaining distanced from any political implications that such listings might convey.
We believe this change will foster a more balanced and respectful acknowledgment of the professional journeys of retired military officials and align with our mission to promote and support the diverse spectrum of career achievements within the military community.